Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A late-added arrival entry (Written 8.29.08)

So, I made it. Hardly a glitch in travel, slept a good deal on the New York to Athens leg. Arrived this morning at 10, went to campus to get our orientation package, met the other fellows and then headed to our apartment for the year. The fellows seem quite nice, very friendly. The final fellow doesn't arrive until tomorrow, but Im sure we'll all find our friends in the group throughout the first few weeks. Erin and I are living together in a neighborhood called Halandri, north of Athens, and about half an hour bus ride to school. 

The apartment is incredible. My room has two sliding doors that open onto a balcony that wraps around the house. I'm sitting there now, looking at swaying pinecones (have I even left home?) and arid mountain landscape on the horizon (yes, I have). Erin and I spent the afternoon unpacking and taking naps -- very easy to do with a warm crosswind in your bedroom. The air is dry and there is some sort of creature making a loud scratchy noise in one of these trees. A frog? A bird with emphysema?

Tonight we're heading into the city for dinner and exploration. With the jet-lag we're not yet brave enough for Greek dining time (9 or 10), but soon we will be! This weekend we're hopefully heading to beaches and I'll let everyone know how they compare to Higgins. 

Love you all, thanks for all your well wishes upon my departure. 

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