Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back in action.

First full week of post-break work behind me and I'm finally over the jet-lag that had me turning form side to side until three every morning. Work was slower that normal last week just because I had to reschedule for the new semester. I've started teaching A Wrinkle in Time with a precocious 7th grade class, and I'm really happy with how it's going so far, happier still that the first book I teach on my own is a good one. The kids are really into it, although the brief instances of romance ("romance") are unanimously found to be revolting. So it goes. 

What else? Not much, really. Everyone is in budget mode to save up for our various spring-break trips. My roommate and I (I've already written this, haven't I?) are hoping to fly from Athens to Copenhagen, then Stockholm for the first week and then she's heading to Italy while I jet off to Paris and train to Prague. Looking forward to it, especially the second week, getting a chance to travel on my own. Being stranded in a foreign country with all decisions up to you. Is there a word similar to "stranded" that lacks the negative connotation? That's what I'm after. 

But because of the cost of the spring trip, we're spending the next two months nestled in Athens, without any real travel, though the possibility of going to Turkey for a long weekend is still in my thoughts. So many places, in such close proximity! My head is going to explode. Though, as an experienced driver of long road trips from Maine to the Midwest, there is something to the American brand of travel. That something is probably road-side diners and local routes. Has anyone been to the new Miss Portland? 

I've been instructed to post some photos, though haven't really gotten a chance to take many around town my neighborhood yet, but here are some from earlier this year!

Darling roommate and I basking in the shadow of the Parthenon.

Early September dinner on our apartment's balcony. Delicious!

Rapture at my first Greek island trip.

1 comment:

Kay Arr said...

That is an excellent way to summarize the Greek islands in a photograph.

We shall have to find that list somewhere. Possibly The Library of Congress. If it's not there, we should write it.